Vastu Shastra Tips For Home – Colors, Directions & Remedies

Vastushastra is an ancient Indian Vedic science that sets guidelines on the construction of buildings that are compatible with the environment or nature. Vastushastra is an ancient guide to a positive home from the entrance of the house to the bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, outdoor, and patio. Vastu is a science that balances North, South, East, West, Northeast, Southeast, Northwest, and Southwest with the 5 elements and eight directions of nature- earth, water, fire, air and space.

No matter how good the house or office is, but if you are facing mental, family, or financial problems in it, then there is definitely some defect in that Vastu. While building a house or taking a car, if you understand Vastu Shastra beforehand and start according to it, then you will only benefit. If still some problems arise, then by using the Vastu tips given below, you can troubleshoot your Vastu defects.

In this article, we have given some simple and easy Vastu tips, which have been selected by some ancient Vastu granthas books. We hope that by using these tips, you will be able to take advantage of them by redressing the Vastu defects of your home, office, shop, and car. don’t forget to comment tell your experience in the comment of the post.

Vastu Tips for Home –

  • When buying a new house, buy a house by looking at whether there is a house according to Vastushastra, which means happiness, prosperity and good health remain in the house.
  • Prefer north or east-facing house.
  • There should be more open land to the north and east than to the south and west.
  • Bhumipujan should be done in the northeast or in the middle of the house.
  • South and west compound walls should be heavier and taller than north and east compound walls.
  • Start excavation from the northwest.
  • Start the foundation from the southwest.
  • Boring or well or any pit should be in a northeast direction.
  • The slope of the plot should be the highest south-west and lowest north-east.
  • The kitchen should be to the southeast and the platform (ota) to the east.
  • The sink should be on the left side of the platform and the gas (cooking range) on the right side of the platform.
  • The clock and calendar should be on the east or north wall.
  • Closed clocks should not be kept indoors for a lot of progress and successful fast living.
  • The dining room should be to the west.
  • All rooms should have racks or cupboards facing south and west.
  • Red, black, maroon, these three colors should not be used too much in the house as it can cause problems for a happy and prosperous life in the house.
  • When painting the house, paint in a light and calm color. Dark colors increase depression, unhealthiness, lethargy in the home.
  • Give white, light colors, ivory color, cream color, pistachio color to the walls of the house. Avoid colors like dark yellow, red, orange.
  • The rooms in the house should not be given different colors for happiness and prosperity in the house.
  • Do not put a mirror on the south wall of the bedroom in the house.
  • To prevent negative energy from staying in the house, place salt in a glass bowl and keep it in the corner of toilet, bathroom, bedroom, hall, kitchen. Replace salt after 15 days.
  • The doors of each room should face east.
  • If possible, never put a mirror on the south or west wall.
  • Toilets and bathrooms should be in southeastern or northwestern areas.
  • Clean kitchen platform, kitchen tiles, ground floors with salt water so that negative energy disappears.
  • Slippers, shoes should not be kept at the door in a strange way. Keep it locked in a shoe rack. Good energy enters the house from the door itself, the slippers should be left outside and locked in a corner so that the negative energy of the street does not enter the house with the slippers.
  • If there are cattle herds, keep them away from the north-west, north wall.
  • The bedroom should be to the south and west.
  • No storage under the bed. Do not keep old items, clutter, utensils, closed items or trunks, old notebooks, books. Do not keep storage under the bed for a good night’s sleep.
  • The master bedroom should face southwest.
  • When sleeping, the head should be to the south or west, but never to the north.
  • Do not place mirrors or mirror cupboards in front of the bed. As a result, energy in the body decreases and diseases increase.
  • Keeping cluttered, closed items in the house is like stopping your own progress.
  • The room of worship should be towards the Northeast. All photos or idols should be facing east or west.
  • The temple should be made of wood and marble. Don’t hang on the wall, on the kitchen counter, on the cupboard, on the fridge As a result, the sacred energy of the house of God is lost and we do not get the fruits of worship.
  • Drainage pipes should be on the north or east side of the house.
  • The toilet seat should be north-south only. It should not be at the east-west.
  • The septic tank should be mid-east south or mid-north west.
  • The staircase should be south, west or southwest but if it is wooden it can be anywhere north or east.
  • Stairs should go from north to south or from east to west.
  • Stairs should always be clockwise.
  • The overhead water tank should be southwest. And if it is to the north-west, then any other high structure should be to the south-west. It should not touch the slab, it should be on the top and four pillars.
  • Anything underground should be to the north or east.
  • Large trees should not be planted to the north or east. They should be on the south or west side of the house.
  • When reading or doing any business deal face north to east.
  • Facing east while cooking. West is also fine if you have no choice, but do not face south when cooking.
  • The extra cylinder should always be kept in South-East, South, South-West directions as these are favorable directions for fire. Due to North being a water element, one should not keep a hostile cylinder, the element balance gets disturbed and subtle problems arise.
  • The total number of windows and doors should be an even number for each floor, but not less than 10, 20, and 30.
  • Ventilation plays a very important role in architecture, so good cross-ventilation is required.
  • Better if the canals, lakes, rivers, streams are to the north or east of the house.
  • Never put up posters of a crying girl, a battle scene, an angry man, and a pigeon, crow, owl, or eagle, these are ominous.
  • Doors should be open inside the room and not outside.
  • Kitchen and bathroom doors should be opened outside.
  • Never keep standing pictures or idols of Ganesha, Lakshmi, and Saraswati.
  • In bedrooms, always use only 4 (four) leg beds. Never use a box-type bed as it stops the circulation of air under the bed which is also harmful to health.
  • Never put your feet on your feet while sleeping.
  • Never eat or drink while standing.
  • The room may have cash boxes facing north. But if the box is heavy (like a safe, heavy cupboard), it should be placed in the southwest corner and the cupboard door should be opened to the north.
  • Don’t keep broken mirrors, broken toys, broken furniture, etc. in the house for a happy life.
  • TVs and computers should be placed in the southeast corner of the living room or study room. They should not be placed in the northeast corner or southwest corner.
  • Place a bamboo tree, the Lucky Tree, in the hall of the house for good luck.
  • The telephone should be placed in the southeast or northwest corner but not in the southwest or northeast corner.
  • In the northeast corner/area of the house or factory, a fish tank with 9 goldfish and a blackfish is very good.
  • Sleep with your head facing south.
  • Students should face east while studying.
  • Place the gas in the southeast corner of the kitchen.
  • Drinking water should be on the northeast side of the kitchen.
  • The idol of Hanumanji should not be placed in a southeast direction. This can lead to fire hazards.
  • There should be no noise from the door.
  • Leave the oil in the main door, iron semi-door hinge, and latch lock.
  • Doors should not make noise. Grease them periodically to keep them noise-free.
  • The sound of the doorbell should not be like the sound of a lizard and should not be like the mantra of God, the sound of terrifying animals or ghosts.
  • The kitchen trolley should not be blue, purple, black, red color when installing a new one, it generates a lot of heat energy in the kitchen, so it should have green pistachio off-white color so that women’s irritability is reduced and health remains good.
  • The bed should not be placed under the beam.
  • Cactus should not be planted or kept indoors.
  • If there is an obstacle to the north of any house, it blocks prosperity.
  • Water/water fountains flowing from north to east are very good.
  • Basil is one of the most beneficial plants. It is advisable to keep at least one basil plant in the north-eastern part of the area, but its height should not exceed 1.5 meters.
  • Remove dried flowers, leaves, dried pylons on the main door of the house. This means that there is no obstacle for good energy to enter the house.
  • The weight should not be placed on the northeast side of the house. The northeast direction should always be light and clear so that there is peace in the house.
  • The bedroom should not have a temple or idol of God, photo.
  • Children should sleep with their head to the east and feet to the west to improve their academic progress.
  • Husbands and wives should not sleep on two adjoining beds for a good marriage.
  • Avoid buying a first and last floor home when buying a new home.
  • Don’t sleep with your feet facing south as it is detrimental to health, money, and mental stress.
  • Say yes to everything while doing any work and avoid saying negative things.
  • Red, maroon, black curtains should not be used anywhere in the house.
  • Never place two or three idols of the same deity in the temple. One idol of each deity should be kept.
  • Cockroaches, ants, beetles, lizards, and spiders are signs of bad luck in the house. Pest control should be done from time to time.
  • The threshold of the house should be made of teak wood.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that water does not drip from taps in the kitchen or other places in the house. Water dripping is considered inauspicious.
  • The roof of the house should not be given any dark color like red, black, maroon to the ceiling, the ceiling should be given full white color.
  • In the northeast side of the house, if there is any defect in the house such as garbage can, broom, shoe rack, very large cupboard, toilet or kitchen, then it can lead to irritation, argument, quarrel, and deterioration of health. No such faults should be allowed.
  • When buying a plot, do not buy Vidisha i.e. cross direction plots so that the original direction or subdivision gets a corner cut and the house does not get auspicious energy of direction. Or look at the east direction and buy a suitable Vastu with the advice of a Vastu expert so that you can get lasting happiness and prosperity.
  • Keeping the house neat, beautiful, attractive, and keeping the whole house clean is like worshiping Vastudevata.

Vastu Tips for Office and Shop –

  • If the windows in the office are facing north and east then there is a lot of progress.
  • Red, black, maroon should not be used in the office.
  • The accounting department in the office should be facing north or northwest.
  • Don’t keep a big temple in the office, keep a small photo of God.
  • Inverter, U. P. S batteries should be southeast in the office.
  • The toilet in the office should be facing northwest.
  • Office working tables, computer tables, machinery tables should be rectangular, square, and not round.
  • Place a tea-coffee machine or pantry on the southeast side of the office.
  • Even if you buy a new office, factory, or business space or build a new one, you need to do Vashtushanti.
  • Office tables and chairs, furniture should not be black or red.
  • Office tables, chairs, furniture, cabinets should be blue, sky blue, gray, green, pistachio, brown.
  • There should be no obstruction such as sofa, table, chair at a distance of 6 feet from the main entrance of the office.
  • Avoiding buying such an office if there is an elevator, descending staircase, or duct in front of the main door of the office causes loss of auspicious energy.
  • In offices, shops, factories, selling counters, cash counters, bosses, managers, tables of prominent people should be facing north, that is, sitting facing north. Don’t sit facing west.
  • Use Blue, Sky Blue, Green, Pistachio, Light Orange for nameplate, logo, letterhead, office stationery of office, shop, factory, industry, or any commercial project. Don’t use red, black, maroon, and any dark colors as it may hinder the progress of the business. The business may start and close but it may not be as successful as it should be but the above-mentioned color should be used for the business nameplate.
  • In the office or shop, broom, dust bin, floor cloth should not be kept visible to anyone. Keep it in a closed cupboard.
  • Avoid buying or renting gravel space, basement or gravel space for office, shop, house, hotel, industry, farmhouse, etc. Starting a business in gravel space makes it difficult to get success and all kinds of problems can lead to business difficulties.
  • Do not place statues of people with spears, swords, guns, and other weapons, statues, pictures of deer or the mouths of slaughtered deer or animals near the entrance of the office. The above-mentioned things should not be kept in the house and office.

Vastu Tips for Car and Vehicles –

  • Avoid red, black, and maroon colors when buying a new car.
  • When buying a new car, the numbers four and eight should not appear in the number plates of the car.
  • When buying a new car, the sum of the digits in the number plate of the car should be three, six, nine, not a total of four and eight digits.
  • For car protection put rock salt in a cloth bag in the trunk of the car.
  • When parking cars and two-wheelers, the vehicle should face north, east, or northeast and no vehicle should face south.
  • When any vehicle (car, truck, two-wheeler) owned by you comes from a long journey, sprinkle cow urine on the wheels of the vehicle and clean the vehicle once a month with saltwater.
  • Car interior and seat covers should not be black, blue, red or maroon.
  • Car interior and seat covers should be white, off-white, ivory, cream.

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