Adding bananas to oatmeal or smoothies with other high-calorie ingredients, like nut butter or full-fat yogurt, can help you gain weight.

1 - Weight Gain

Bananas contain a number of vitamins and minerals in decent amounts. These include potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B6, A and C.

2 -  Nutritious 

As a good dietary source of potassium, bananas can be especially beneficial for maintaining a healthy kidney.

3 - Healthy Kidneys

Bananas contain two very important antioxidants, vitamins A and C, which not only keep your skin healthy but are also effective in keeping your eyes healthy.

4 - Improves Vision

After a workout session, bananas provide easily digestible sugar that will replenish your energy levels.

5 - Provides Energy

Bananas contain a high amount of magnesium which helps in the contraction and relaxation of muscles. It also helps to increase lean muscle mass.

6 - Gain Muscles

The manganese found in bananas helps in increasing the amount of collagen in skin and helps in softening the skin and removes aging signs on the face.

7 - Protects Skin

Banana improves digestion and relieves constipation. Eating banana every day will increase the glow on the face.

8 - Improves Digestion

Increasing the consumption of fiber-rich foods such as bananas can lower the risk of both cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease.

9 - Heart Health

Bananas can improve your mood, they contain tryptophan which is required by your body to receive serotonin  also known as the "happiness hormone"

10 - Mood Lifter

Banana is considered to be an alkaline food because of its high potassium content. A ripe banana can combat stomach acid and coat stomach lining to help prevent heartburn and other reflux symptoms.

11 - Acid-Reflux