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High in Nutrition

Dates contain several vitamins and minerals, in addition to fiber and antioxidants. However, they are high in calories since they are a dried fruit.

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High in Fiber

Dates are high in fiber, which may be beneficial for preventing constipation and controlling blood sugar control.

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High in Antioxidants

Dates contain several types of antioxidants that may help prevent the development of certain chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and diabetes.

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Promote Brain Health

Dates may be helpful for lowering inflammation and preventing plaques from forming in the brain, which is important for preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

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Promote Natural Labor

Dates may promote and ease natural labor for pregnant women when consumed during the last few weeks of pregnancy.

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Natural Sweetener

Dates are a healthy substitute for white sugar in recipes due to their sweet taste, nutrients, fiber and antioxidants. The best way is to make date paste & add in recipe.

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Bone Health

Dates contain several minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. All of these are potential to prevent bone-related conditions like osteoporosis

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Increases Energy

Many people with iron deficiency in their diet often feel tired. High levels of iron and carbohydrates found in Dry Dates can give a beneficial increase in energy.

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Blood Sugar Control

Dates have the potential to help with blood sugar regulation due to their low glycemic index, fiber and antioxidants. Thus, eating them may benefit diabetes management.

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Benefits of dates for males

Dates content flavonoids and estradiol which have positive effects to increase sperm count and sperm quality. Dates can enhance your sexual stamina & Sexual Health.